Sunday, June 14, 2009


  1. What is small and lays eggs?
  2. What is hard and white?
  3. What is big and drinks the same water as us?
  4. What is big and does not exist?
  5. What is 1+1=?
  6. True or false: Sharks can eat us on purpose.

That is all I can think of!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Watching Michael Jackson videos

According to Declan, there are two Michael Jacksons.

I was showing him one of the many Dancing Machine videos on Youtube when he said, "You know, it's like there are two Michael Jacksons, even though I know there's only one."

When pressed about what he meant, Declan said, "His skin is different! One is brown and one is peach!"

I guess this is where I say, "Oh, snap!"

Anyway, here are Declan's two favourite Michael Jackson videos, one from his brown days and one from his peach.